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For general enquiries, please contact Ms. Joy Chang
+886-2-2798-8329 Ext. 48
Overseas Travel Awards (OTA)
Candidate for overseas travel awards must attend in-person and fulfill the following criteria: (1) qualify as an early career researcher at a PhD, postdoctoral or physician resident level, (2) from an overseas country (evidence of either the residence or departing country must be provided); and must Submit an Abstract(s)(closed) for oral or poster presentation; and well declare in the application form that she/he wishes to be considered as an overseas travel award candidate. OTA awardees will be granted with a certificate, bursary of USD$1,000, and cordially invited to Gala Dinner.
Best Poster Awards
Poster Blitz Awards
Among the poster submitted, selected posters will be awarded Poster Blitz Awards! It's a 5-minute oral presentation, sharing a summary of your study findings and highlighting key points. This is challenging but fun and awardees will be granted with a certificate and USD$200.