

The Symposium will comprise of 

excellent scientific programme on Oct. 30-31, including (1) keynnote speeches from influential scientists worldwide, (2) PNIRSAsia-Pacific Sponsored Symposium, (3) state of the art symposia, and presentations from researchers and clinicians, (4) lectures of psychiatric reseraches and (5) virtual poster sessions. The symposium venue is to be held at the Meeting Room East on the 4th Floor, Windsor Hotel Taichung, Taiwan.

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PK1. Plenary Keynote 1

Julienne E. Bower Mind-Body Interventions in Cancer Survivors: Targeting Neuro-Immune Pathways to Promote Well-Being

PK2. Plenary Keynote 2

- Kuan-Pin Su The Interplay of Stress, Nutrition, and Inflammation in the Mind-Body Symphony

PK3. Plenary Keynote 3

Alexander T. Sack | Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: Towards Personalized Neuromodulation in Mental Health

PK4. Plenary Keynote 4
John F. Cryan A Gut Feeling About the Brain: Microbiome & Mental Health

S11. PNIRSAsia-Pacific Session l 

- Keith W. Kelley (Chair) | Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions to Improve Mental Health

David Creswell  How do Mindfulness Interventions Work? 
Melissa Rosenkranz The Benefits of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for Chronic Inflammation
Richard Simpson Acute Exercise Increases Immune Responses to SARS CoV-2 in Naturally Infected and Vaccinated Humans
Liye Zou Regular Tai Chi Practice is Associated with Improved Memory as Well as Structural and Functional Alterations of the Hippocampus in the Elderly   (canceled)
Tatia Mei-Chun Lee | Qigong Exercise Enhances Cognitive Functions in Older People

S12. PNIRSAsia-Pacific Session ll 

- Sarah J. Spencer (Chair) The Immune System is a Conduit that Links Environmental Stimuli to Brain Function

- Adam K. Walker The Role of Neuroinflammation in Cancer-Related Cognitive Impairment
Jane Pei-Chen Chang 
| Nutritional Psychiatry as the Mainstream: Focus on Omega-3 Fatty Acids in ADHD
Luba Sominsky 
Modulatory Effects of Peri-Pregnancy Diet on the Maternal Brain

Simone N. De Luca | Cigarette Smoke Induced-Cognitive Dysfunction is Associated with Increased Oxidative Stress in the Brain

S21. Novel Treatment for Depression Session 
David Mischoulon (Chair)  | Cutting Edge Therapies for Depressive Disorders: Clinical Efficacy and Mechanisms of Action

Maren Nyer | Primary Clinical Outcomes from a Randomized Controlled Trial of Heated Yoga for Depression
- Samuel Petrie | Biological Findings from a Randomized Controlled Trial of Heated Yoga for Depression 
Felipe Jain | Randomized Controlled Trial of Mentalizing Imagery Therapy for Family Dementia Caregivers: Clinical Effects and Brain Connectivity Changes
Cristina Cusin | Ketamine and Esketamine -from Research to Clinical Practice 

S22. Meet the Expert 

Richard Bazinet Murine and Human Microglial Cells are Relatively Enriched with Eicosapentaenoic Acid Compared to the Whole Brain

S24. Nutritional Psychiatry Session
Wolf Marx (Chair)
Annamaria Cattaneo Stress Early in Life and Long Term Alterations in the Inflammatory System and in the Gut Microbiome Composition: Implications for Psychiatric Disorders
- Melissa Lane | Assessing the Interplay between Ultra-Processed Foods Consumption and Indicators of Inflammation and Depression
- Elizabeth Gamage | Polyphenols as Novel Dietary Interventions for Depression: Exploring the Efficacy, Safety and Implicated Mechanisms of Action
- Nikolaj Travika | The Effects of Surgery on Plasma Vitamin C Concentrations and Cognitive Function